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Click on this infographic and the circles to explore a short history of film.





In the world of media convergence, every important story gets told, every brand gets sold, and every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms.

When we’re looking at participatory culture we see media producers and consumers interact with each other according to a new set of rules, instead of occupying two different roles.

Collective intelligence is what happens when we talk among ourselves about the media we consume because there is too much information for all of us to store in our heads. This collective intelligence can be seen as an alternative source of media power.

To make Henry Jenkins’ theories about convergence culture a bit more tangible, we chose to apply them to the medium ‘film’. There has been a shift in how films are being promoted, received and interpreted through multiple media platforms. We are not only showing you this change but also the different roles media producers and media consumers have occupied along the way.

Take a journey with us. We are exploring how film has developed as a medium and how convergence culture plays a role in it. In our journey through time, we will look at three famous films: Citizen Kane, The Lion King and The Matrix Trilogy. We will show you how these films were promoted and perceived by both media producers and media consumers. Along the way, you will see the roles of these two groups changing and intertwining. 


(Make sure your sound is turned on and you watch this fullscreen!)